Monday, October 13, 2008


Hibah is the giving of a gift whether it is given to one who is in need or to a well-to-do person, and thus it differs from sadaqah which is meant only for the needy though they may be one's relatives. The giving of gifts (including charity) is praised, while the withholding of small gifts is denounced as against the spirit of Islam. Stress is laid on developing the spirit of brotherhood by the giving of gifts, great or small as one can find. Even a poor man may give a gift out of the charity he has received. Compensation for a gift received is recommended. The giving of a gift to one child would be an injustice to other children, and it is therefore not allowed. A husband can give a gift to his wife and vice-versa. A wife may give gifts out of the property she has received from her husband. A joint gift may be given to more persons than one, and a gift may be given out of joint property. A gift may be given to, and received from, a non-Muslim. It is forbidden to take back what has once been given as a gift. A gift for life is recognized subject to certain conditions. Property may be dedicated as waqf, becoming thus inalienable, or as waqf `ala-l-aulad. One who receives a gift or any other good from another must give expression to thanks.

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